Who will you be when the skies turn dark?
This article was published by David Lacy on The Bloggers Digest and on ipinionsyndicate “What do we call visible light? We call it color. But the [..]
This article was published by David Lacy on The Bloggers Digest and on ipinionsyndicate “What do we call visible light? We call it color. But the [..]
Tell me what you read, and I’ll tell you who you are – Martin Heidegger (20th-century philosopher) When I told my friends that I wanted to [..]
It was the summer of 2009 – I had just had my heart broken, started graduate school in a heavy hitting field that I had never [..]
When I moved to Davis after 5th grade, I didn’t have any friends. My parents were twice divorced and I was an overweight “outsider.” I was [..]
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